Farmax spaders, Soil for the future

Discover the benefits of spading

Optimal yield by high-quality tillage machines from Farmax

Farmax Spaders provides a perfectly prepared bed for planting or sowing, essential for maximum crop yield. This fact is the starting point for Farmax’s specialists when they develop high-quality agricultural machinery.


Improve your soil with one of our spading machines

Farmax’s easy-to-use spaders improve the soil structure on any type of land. Farmax spaders require little maintenance and combine multiple operations in a single passage. That saves a lot of time and money!

benefits of spading

Spading machines

For every tractor the right spader

With a wide range of spaders and other soil treatment machinery, Farmax helps you get any soil into top condition and ready for a maximum harvest. It’s with good reason that we say “Farmax delivers quality in your own soil!”

Choose the right spader


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Download the free magazine of Farmax spaders and seeders

In this magazine, we will explain the spading method of soil preparation and state its advantages in comparison with ploughing. There will also be a brief explanation of all types of spaders and several customers share their experience with our spaders.